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Service provider for Dacia Renault, Ford and Daimler

The company DESIGN WELDING PRODUCTION began its activity in 2014


It is an industrial company and service provider for Dacia Renault Romania and Ford Craiova Romania.

The Design Welding Production group in 2014

58 persons
3 engineers
2 implants (Dacia Mioveni and Ford Craiova plants)


Activity areas


The development of the company since its establishment

2014 â€“ Establishment of DESIGN WELDING PRODUCTION : April 2014
2014 â€“ Creation of the industrial company for  Dacia Renault
2014 â€“ Extension of customers' panel
2014 â€“ Diversification of provided services and increase of service quality
2014 â€“ Entry to Ford suppliers panel 
2014 â€“ Maintaining the ISO 9001 -2008 quality policy
2015 â€“ Extension of customers' panel in RUSSIA
2016 - Extension of customers' panel worldwide

Devoted to the activity from the automotive industry,

Design Welding Production studies and provides on any site services regarding:
     High and low currents



     Car body
     Final Assembly
     Robotized islands
     Dynamic furniture
     Contracts of maintenance on multi-       discipline sites


Commitment letter of the management


I commit myself to operate a Quality/Prevention Management System, to survey the permanent adaptation to this policy and  the constant improvement of its efficiency. This system should allow to Design Welding Production to continually improve the needs satisfaction of its clients, with a continuous desire to respect the legal and regular provisions and a good economic profitability. 

Skills poles


Why skills poles?

- To bring our company to the required quality level
- To develop our abilities in the project management in our business
- To standardize our actions
- To achieve your development objectives




- Capitalizing our experience
- Coordinating the techniques and quality transversality


Design Welding Production policy

     Knowledge and management of Design Welding Production       suppliers panel
      Continuous assessment of our suppliers



​      Product catalog segment purchase_
     Contracts' conformity
      Specific products segment
     Supplier's consent according to the project specificity
     Subcontracting segment
     Sub-contractors' consent
     Annual audit of principal sub-contractors

This Quality/Prevention policy falls into 5 chapters: 


1 - Prevention - Security
2 - Project Management – Procedures application
3 – Risks control - Checking - Measures - 
4 - Strategy - Organization 
5 – Human Resources

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